
The sun shines brightest after a storm.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Whole-House Dehumidification System: Benefits For Your Northeast Florida Home

Northeast Florida’s mild and wet climate often presents a humidity problem in the home. Humidity levels reach well above 60 percent outdoors, and even indoors. High humidity levels present many problems, including the growth of mold and mildew and the increase of dust mites and bacteria that thrive in wet conditions.
Humid air also feels warmer on the skin. Adding 10 percent humidity can increase the heat index by 3 degrees. When using the air conditioner, additional humidity in the air leads to increased costs.

A whole-house dehumidification system can prevent the humidity levels from becoming too high in your home. The humidification system will keep humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent, which is considered ideal.

The system works by sucking excess moisture from the air. This benefits energy savings because dry air feels cooler on the skin. Dry air tries to suck moisture out anywhere it can, and often takes moisture from your body, leaving a cool feeling behind. With dryer air, you can raise the air conditioner setting by 3 or 4 degrees and feel just as cool as you did at cooler temperatures in humid conditions. You can save up to 10 percent in cooling costs by raising the temperature a few degrees.

For more information on how a whole-house dehumidification system can benefit your Northeast Florida home and save you money this winter and in the future, contact us at Action Heating and Air Conditioning. With more than 30 years of expert HVAC service under our belt, we are happy to answer any questions you have.

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