
The sun shines brightest after a storm.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

During Flu Season, Use UV Lights To Combat Germs

If you have already been hit with a winter cold or flu, you may be wishing you had a way to combat germs in your home. If you’re still breathing easy, it’s not too late. Installing UV lights in your ductwork can help remove unwanted organisms such as bacteria and viruses that may cause illness.
Unlike air filters, UV lights do not trap particles. Instead, they target living single-celled organisms like mold, bacteria and viruses. The wavelength of UV light disrupts the cell walls of these biological contaminants, either killing them or making them inert.

There are many advantages to installing UV lights in your ductwork:

* Silent operation: Unlike portable air filters that are constantly blowing, a UV light system makes no noise at all.

*Easy maintenance: There are no moving parts to maintain, and the bulbs typically only need to be changed once a year, which your contractor can do during a routine maintenance appointment.

*Improved energy efficiency: Bacteria and mold can build up on the interior surfaces of your heating and cooling equipment, especially on your air conditioner. Because a UV light system is integrated into your ductwork, it also disinfects the surfaces of the ducts and your home comfort equipment, which will operate more efficiently when it is clean.

*Fewer odors: Many people find that unwanted odors are reduced or eliminated when a UV light system is installed. Mold and mildew are unable to grow, and odor-producing bacteria are destroyed.

*Year-round protection: While it may be flu season now, this is not the only time of year when mold and bacteria can impact your health. Because air conditioners typically run constantly during the long cooling season in Northeast Florida, UV lights can help prevent bacteria from circulating through your home.

We can help you find the indoor air quality solutions that make the most sense for your home. Whether you need UV lights, advanced air filters, a humidity-control system or any combination of these, we’ll help you select the right products and provide expert installation. Contact the experts (Click Here) at Action Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule a consultation.

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