
The sun shines brightest after a storm.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Trying to Get Air to a New Space? Ductless Options Can Help

Additions to your home can be difficult to heat and cool. Spaces with hydronic systems, radiant panels, or a bonus room over a garage, can also prove tricky. Ductless heating and cooling is a good option to get airflow to spaces like this. Maybe your existing system does not accommodate certain rooms or additions, or maybe it’s just not possible to install ducts where you need them. In these circumstances, ductless heating and cooling is versatile and practical.

Ductless heating and cooling systems are called mini-splits. Their biggest advantage is their small size, which allows them to heat or cool specific zones. You can purchase a single unit, or a model that has as many as four units that allows you to heat or cool four different zones. Each zone has its own thermostat, so you can adjust each as needed or keep them off if no one is using the space. This makes for great savings because you aren’t using energy you don’t need.

Mini-splits are easy to install. They consist of two units, an indoor air-handler and an outdoor compressor/condenser. The two are linked by a conduit through the wall, which in some models can be up to 50 feet long, giving you a great deal of space to place your units where you need them.

Another advantage of ductless heating and cooling systems is that they can be installed any place a small, 3-inch hole can be made in the wall. They can even be hung in the corner near the ceiling. Most models run very quietly, and many even operate by remote and filter the air as they heat or cool it.

Most mini-split systems are either a heat pump or an air conditioner model. Heat pumps are a good choice for climates that experience both warm and cool weather, since they have the ability to pump heat both into and out of a small space. Mini-split air conditioners work well for consistently warmer temperatures like ours.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).For more information about mini-split systems and other HVAC topics,click here to visit our website.

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