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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Is It Time For A/C Coil Cleaning?

Coil cleaning should be an essential part of your air conditioner’s annual maintenance. Without it, the coils could create a significant — and negative — effect on the comfort level in your home, as well as your energy bills.
Air conditioners generally have a coil in the outdoor condensing unit and another coil in the indoor evaporator unit. The indoor coil is often called the “cool” coil. This coil absorbs heat from the air as the A/C moves warm air from inside your home into the system. The condenser coil is generally know as the “warm” coil, because at this point in the cooling process, the coil releases the heat outside.

It is cause for concern whenever either coil becomes dirty, as dirt buildup is the No. 1 deterrent to performance and efficiency. Dirty coils can lead to a host of problems, including:

•Higher energy consumption: Dirt buildup greatly hinders the coils’ ability to transfer heat, both absorbing it or releasing it. As a result, the system will use more energy to transfer heat. In fact, it’s estimated that a dirty coil can consume almost 40 percent more energy just to get the job done.

•Lower cooling capacity: When the coils are not able to transfer heat as they are designed to, the A/C’s capacity to cool also drops, along with efficiency. Therefore, your home won’t feel as cool as it did when the system was operating at its peak. You can expect to see as much as a 30 percent drop in capacity.

•Early system failure: All that dirt on the coils creates a domino effect of damage to internal components, because of the increased pressure and higher temperatures it causes.

If it’s time for coil cleaning, contact Action Heating and Air Conditioning. Our team of certified experts is happy to help you keep your air conditioner in peak condition. We have served homeowners in Northeast Florida since 1982.

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