
The sun shines brightest after a storm.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thermostat Options For Heating And Cooling Systems

When it comes to thermostat options, you basically have two choices: manual or programmable. Both of them are easy to use, but only a programmable thermostat will help you increase energy savings without sacrificing home comfort.

Adjusting your thermostat settings while you are at work or sleeping is a smart and easy way to reduce energy use and lower your utility bills. But coming home to a cold house in winter or a hot, stuffy house in summer is not pleasant for anybody. Using programmable thermostat settings around your regular schedule can help you avoid these problems.

Did you know that in winter you can save up to 3 percent on your energy bills for every degree you lower the thermostat? In summer you can save as much as 4 percent for every degree it’s raised. These savings can really add up, but to get the most from your programmable thermostat, you need to consider a couple key factors:

Thermostat calibration: Professional installation is highly recommended for new thermostats because correct calibration is critical for proper operation. Your technician should also check the thermostat calibration and settings as part of annual routine maintenance. Don’t forget that your thermostat is a key part of your heating and cooling system.

■Thermostat placement: If your thermostat is placed on a wall that is exposed to a lot of daytime sun or drafts from doorways, the reading will not reflect the actual temperature in the room. Your contractor can help you identify the best thermostat placement, taking into account both external factors and the need for easy access. When exploring your thermostat options, consider the benefits of installing a zoning system at the same time.

Professional installation and maintenance ensures that you get accurate readings, and following these thermostat setting tips will help you maximize energy savings.

If you are ready to upgrade to a programmable thermostat, or even if you just need a little help with the one you already have, <strong>contact the friendly experts at Action Heating and Air Conditioning. Serving Northeast Florida, we’re always happy to help.

1 comment:

  1. Choosing the thermostat that controls the functions of these systems is an important decision that will impact the way you regulate the heating and cooling in your home.

    Heating & Cooling Systems Mississauga
