
The sun shines brightest after a storm.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Have You Been Practicing Good Heat Pump Maintenance?

If you have a heat pump, you know that it’s a highly efficient way to cool and heat your home. But even the most efficient cooling and heating system isn’t efficient if it’s not properly maintained. Work with your HVAC technician to keep your system in tip-top shape. Some routine heat pump maintenance tasks you can do yourself. Other tasks are best left to your experienced technician.

What you can do

•Change the filter regularly. A dirty filter can severely restrict your system’s efficiency and force your heat pump to work harder than it should. Ask your technician how often you should change the filter, or consult your owner’s manual. When you’re shopping for a filter, look for one in the mid-MERV range. A filter with a mid-range minimum efficiency reporting value should remove sufficient particulate matter to keep your unit running efficiently.
•Whenever the outdoor coils look dirty, clean them. Also clean the fan occasionally, making sure you turn off the power first.
•Check the condensate pan, drain and trap, and clean as needed.
•Clear away vegetation or other obstructions that are near your outdoor unit. This will keep airflow optimal.
•Clean the registers in your home. Straighten any bent fans.
•Leave your thermostat setting alone. If you avoid the temptation to frequently change the setting you will allow your unit to operate most efficiently.

What your technician should do:

Have your heat pump professionally inspected and serviced at least once a year. Your technician should:

•Thoroughly inspect the components, checking for obstructions and dirt.
•Find and seal any leakage.
•Check for refrigerant leaks and correct the charge if necessary.
•Measure airflow.
•Lubricate the motor.
•Tighten and clean the terminals.
•Check the controls and the thermostat.

At Action Heating and Air Conditioning, we understand the benefits of heat pump maintenance. We can help you maintain your system, and if you’re shopping for a new unit, we can help you with that, as well. We serve homeowners in Northeast Florida. Contact us and let us help you with all of your HVAC system needs.

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1 comment:

  1. This is great information. We always look to blue bell heat pump maintenance for all of our questions. We always have them come look at it before the winter season starts. This is great information. Thanks for sharing.
